
Sri Lanka’s first capital,founded in the 4th century situated 206 km. fromColombo. According to theMahavansa, the ancient Sinha-la chronicle, this city was a.model of planning with pre-cincts set aside for huntsmen,scavengers, heretics as well asfor foreigners. There were separate cemeteries for high andlow castes, hostels and hospitals and a water supply wasassured by the construction of‘tanks’ (reservoirs). The monuments of its heyday surviveunder the serenity of the sheltering sky.

Worth seeing: –
The Sri Mahabodhi Tree —the world’s oldest authenticated tree. A branch of the very BoTree beneath which the Buddha himself found Enlightenment. It was brought to SriLanka in the 3rd century Theri Sanghamitta, sister of Arahat Mahinda.

Abhayagiri Dagaba — (meaning ‘mountain of fearlessness’)built by King Valagam Bahu inthe Ist century B.C. when hewon back the kingdom after 14years of foreign rule.

Jetavanaramaya — the tallestof Sri Lanka’s dagabas, wasbuilt by King Mahasen at theend of the 3rd century A.D.

The Brazen Palace —(Lovamahapaya) — a roof ofcopper bestowed the namegiven to this building whichburned down only 15 yearsafter its construction. The1,600 pillars, in 40 rows, thatnow mark the site are ascribedto King Parakrama Bahu 1(1153 — 1186 A.D.). The original building of nine gradedstoreys is said to have been 100cubits square at ground leveland 100 cubits high.

The Thuparama Dagaba —this is the most ancient of SriLanka’s dagabas and was builtby King Devanampiya Tissa toenshrine the Buddha’s collarbone. Its present ‘bell’ shapedates to reconstruction in the1840’s.

The Samadhi Buddha — This4th century A.D. statue of theBuddha in meditative pose isacknowledged world-wide as amasterpiece.

The Kuttam Pokuna — Thesetwin ponds, which have beenrecently restored, are amongthe handsomest works of Anuradhapura ashlar.

The Mirisavati Dagaba —King Duttha Gamini plantedhis spear containing a Relic of the Buddha and his clothes on the shore of the Tissa tank after celebrating his victory with a water festival. Here he built his first Dagaba, enshrining in ithis spear with its relic.

Saram House by Geoffrey Bawa (4 Star)

Water Garden Sigiriya – Sigiriya

Small Miracle (Sri Lanka)

Tintagel – Colombo



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